
e-Sign Training among the Officers of BCC and CCA

The Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) conducted a comprehensive e-Sign training program for officers from the BCC and the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) on May 18, 2023. The training, held at the BCC Auditorium, aimed to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively utilize electronic signatures in their respective roles.

The event was inaugurated by Mr. Ranajit Kumar, the esteemed Executive Director (Grade-I) of the BCC. In his opening remarks, Mr. Kumar highlighted the growing significance of electronic signatures in the digital era and the need for officers to understand their implementation and benefits. He emphasized the role of e-Sign in streamlining administrative processes, improving efficiency, and enhancing the security of digital transactions.

Mr. Hasan Uj Jaman, Architect (Enterprise and Data Center) described various aspects of e-Sign, including its legal framework, technical implementation, and practical applications. Participants received hands-on training on utilizing electronic signatures, understanding their legal validity, and integrating them into electronic documents and workflows. The program also covered best practices for ensuring the security and integrity of e-Signature processes.

The training session provided an opportunity for officers from the BCC and the CCA to exchange knowledge and share experiences regarding e-Signature implementation. It encouraged collaboration and cooperation among the participants, fostering a deeper understanding of electronic signature technologies and their applications.

BCC-CA In-charge Mr. Mohammad Mohidur Rahman Khan expressed the participants' enthusiasm and reiterated the BCC's commitment to promoting digital transformation and cybersecurity across various sectors. He emphasized the importance of continuous training and upskilling to keep pace with evolving technologies and ensure a secure digital environment.